Course List 2024

This 2nd year course list is for students entering Engineering Physics in 2024.



Course Name Credits
APSC 2011 Technical Communication 3
CPEN 221 Principles of Software Construction 4
ELEC 204 Linear Circuits 4
ENPH 2531 Introduction to Instrument Design 5
ENPH 2571 Heat and Thermodynamics 2
ENPH 259 Experimental Techniques 3
ENPH 2701 Mechanics II 2
MATH 2172 Multivariable and Vector Calculus 4
MATH 255 Ordinary Differential Equations 3
MATH 2571 Partial Differential Equations 3
MECH 2603 Introduction to Mechanics of Materials 3
PHYS 2501 Introduction to Modern Physics 3
Complementary Studies4 3
Total Credits 42
1 Taken during the summer academic term.
2 If unable to take MATH 217, replace with MATH 253 and 317.
3 Taken during the evening in term two.
4 See Complementary Studies Courses

This 3rd year course list is for students who entered Engineering Physics in 2023.

Course Name Credits
APSC 278 Engineering Materials 3
APSC 279 Engineering Materials Laboratory 1
CPEN 312 Digital Systems and Microcomputers 3
ELEC 221 Signals and Systems 4
ENPH 353 Engineering Physics Project I 3
MATH 305 Applied Complex Analysis 3
MATH 307 Applied Linear Algebra 3
MECH 280 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics 3
MECH 325 Mechanical Design I 4
PHYS 301 Electricity and Magnetism 3
PHYS 304 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics 3
PHYS 350 Applications of Classical Mechanics 3
Technical elective1 3
Total Credits 39
1 Chosen in consultation with the Program Director.  Technical elective requirements may be waived in part at the discretion of the Director for students pursuing dual degrees or minors.  The list of preapproved technical electives is here.  Students enrolled in CIE may obtain technical elective credit while on exchange.

This 4th year course list is for students who entered Engineering Physics in 2022.

Course Name Credits
 ENPH 4591 Engineering Physics Project II 5
One of ELEC 341, MECH 466 4
MATH 318 Probability and Physical Applications 3
MATH 400 Applied Partial Differential Equations 3
PHYS 401 Electromagnetic Theory 3
Technical elective2 3
Total Credits 21
1 ENPH 459 is a full year course.  Students will set up their projects while on Co-op placement in term one.
2 Chosen in consultation with the Program Director.  Technical elective requirements may be waived in part at the discretion of the Director for students pursuing dual degrees or minors.  The list of preapproved technical electives is here.  Students enrolled in CIE may obtain technical elective credit while on exchange.


Specialization in Electrical Engineering – To qualify for a specialization in Electrical Engineering students must take at least the following courses as part of their technical electives:

(1) ELEC 431;
(2) One of ELEC 342 or ELEC 343;
(3) One additional course with subject code ELEC.

Specialization in Mechanical Engineering – To qualify for a specialization in Mechanical Engineering students must take at least the following courses as part of their technical electives:

(1) MECH 426;
(2) Two courses from the following list: MECH 375, MECH 380, MECH 463;
(3) One additional course with subject code MECH.

This 5th year course list is for students who entered Engineering Physics in 2021.

Course Name Credits
APSC 450 Professional Engineering Practice 2
ELEC 3021 Electronic Circuits 3
ELEC 481 Economic Analysis of Engineering Projects 3
ENPH 352 Laboratory Techniques in Physics 2
ENPH 4792 Engineering Physics Project III 6
One of MATH 401, 405, 406, PHYS 4103 3
PHYS 403 Statistical Mechanics 3
PHYS 408 Optics 4
Technical electives4 9
Complementary Studies5 3
Total Credits 38
1 Students may also fulfill this requirement with ELEC 301.
2 ENPH 479 may be replaced with APSC 486 for students pursuing the Entrepreneurship Minor, or at the discretion of the Program Director.
3 Students planning on graduate studies should make sure to take one of MATH 401 or MATH 406.
4 Chosen in consultation with the Director. Technical elective requirements may be waived in part at the discretion of the Director for students pursuing dual degrees or minors. The list of preapproved technical electives is here.  Students enrolled in CIE may obtain technical elective credit while on exchange.
5 See Complementary Studies Courses