Eng. Phys. students build their own “Mario Karts” for the 2023 Robot Competition

Spring 2020: David Black and Yas Oloumi Yazdi work on a breathing, anthropomorphic phantom for Positron Emission Tomography as a friend keeps tabs on the progress.

Engineering Physics Graduation procession May 29, 2019, Mace Bearer Andre Marziali

FIZZ wins E-Week 2019

Vladislav Pomogaev in the hall getting ready … 2018 robot competition

UBC Rocket blasts into 1st place in 10K COTS category at Spaceport America Cup in New Mexico, June 2017. Pictured is the Body Inspection Team: L – R Eric Bast, Nick Toglia, Robert Chisholm, and Olly Ye.

A Silver Win for the UBC Supermileage Team in the Urban Vehicle category at the 2015 Shell Eco-Marathon in Detroit, Michigan, April 2015

Andre Marziali addressing the 2014 Graduation reception